Being a writer, photojournalist and generally all around media in various situations, I am afforded opportunities to see many sides of different situations. So, recently I was helping out placing signs for a couple of the candidates I believe in for this race. I came upon one set of signs I had placed and was adding another set of signs to the same site and just had to laugh and take the following pictures.
Obviously they tried to put two signs
very close to cover ours. |
There's been no doubt that the opposing candidates have a tremendous budget (or at least they've pulled out all the stops to defeat the incumbent and new candidate opposing them) and can outdo their opponents in signage and door hangers, but double signage on top the opponents is simply ridiculous! Better yet, it's really immature! And to prove it so, Mother Nature blew them down and left their opponents standing! How hilarious! I never touched them. Drivers passing by watched as I placed the new shorter sign and then got my camera to take the pictures. It was just too good to pass up.
Are they afraid if they don't try to double up and cover up the opponents, that the public won't know who to vote for? Do they think the public can't figure out who is the right candidate from one sign? Is twice as much better or more powerful looking? I think not.
They just have too much time and money to waste and it's showing before they even get into office! The pictures speak for themselves. Elect the candidates who are still standing. Commissioner Ranney has withstood the tests of time through many previous campaigns of conflict, he'll be able to withstand the future. Steve Solomon has great business experience and knows how to be a smart teammate to the board. Elect the right people so that the firefighters continue with the best wages, benefits and conditions that have been put in place for them and our district continues to enjoy the lowest taxes.
Elect Anderson, Solomon and Ranney! It's the smart vote!
Typical of their campaign. |
Later in the day the weekend, this picture was afforded us to prove their antics. It's petty, inconvenient and time-consuming to have to backtrack over all a candidates signs to be sure all the other candidates are playing fair with integrity in the same sandbox. Alas, not so for this race. Worst yet, while most all candidates know you don't place signs in the right of way, this campaign doesn't seem to care. If they don't care about simple small county ordinances like these, what other rules won't they care about? So this is what we see all the time, placing signs in front of the ones they're trying to overcome. They've been doing this alot lately, (cover-ups) but not to fear, we will expose all and name names very soon, so that everyone will know a life of corruption is no one's good example or one that benefits anyone!